Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | hakham | monitor | poster | reckoner | road | sky | window OCR: TIFF 5.0 Default is 0. for basic 1-dimensional coding See 1so Compression. Group4Options EL 293 Type LONG See ression=4 This ficld is made 32 flag bits. Unused bits aru expected to b 0 Bit 0 is the bw -order bit. It is probably yor. safe to ty to read the fi1c if any bitof this field sel you don't the meaning of Gray and color coding xhemes are under study an wil be added when finalizcr For 2-D coding, each Strip is encoded as if it separate irmage. In particular. each strip begins on byte boundary put the coding for the Tust TOW of dus encoded independently the previons row using horizontal codes '5 if the previous row is entirely whit? Fach strip ends wilh the 24-bit cnd-of-f esimile block {EOFB} Bit is unused. Bit l is1 Default is0 for basic 2-dimensional binary compression. See also Co ...